




Additive Manufacturing

Interview: How did Rotecna bet on 3D printing?

An example of how 3D printing can help companies and businesses of all kinds is Rotecna: a company in the pig sector with a presence in more than 85 countries, which is dedicated to manufacturing feeders, drinkers and all kinds of solutions for farms and ranchers. . Rotecna was founded more than 20 years ago and from the first day they are committed to innovation and to continue improving their products. Currently, and thanks to the collaboration with INTECH3D, they are committed to 3D printing for the manufacture of many of their products.

Today we speak with Octavi Saura, head of Rotecna, who explains why they decided to bet on 3D printing and the benefits that this new manufacturing method is bringing to their company and their customers.

What factors caused the idea or need to bet on 3D printing?

Every time we have to be more demanding with all the important points when carrying out any of our products. Therefore, starting from a need, at Rotecna we carry out a complete feasibility study and then we begin the adventure of research and development.

Our design section is equipped with the most advanced engineering software, but it is also very important to check the progress with real and physical objects to assess the improvements to be made or try other options that can guarantee that the final product meets our expectations. It is important to carry out real tests simulating the interaction of the products with the efforts to which they are subjected, so we decided to use this 3D printing technology to provide us with sufficient information on a product for its acceptance. 3D printing helps us to validate the design and reduce the "time to market" of our new products.

Bringing solid parts to light with this system, we can decide a large part of the course of creating a product made of plastic and that can then interact with various materials such as metal parts, flexible parts, and others, ensuring its proper functioning and also when it comes to make the molds to limit possible setbacks as much as possible.

How was the first contact with INTECH3D?

Our commitment to INTECH3D was above all due to good personal and professional treatment, as well as proximity since, until then, the closest specialized companies were in Barcelona. We've known each other practically since INTECH3D started, back in 2015.

What exactly does the collaboration with INTECH3D consist of?

Currently, we have their technological advice for the integration of new 3D printers and technologies, in addition to the maintenance of our printers.

What methodology do both Rotecna and INTECH3D follow to work together?

Apart from good personal communication, working with INTECH3D they advise you honestly in the integration of additive production technologies into the value chains of our company. They are in charge of analyzing the design requirements and the technological challenges of our design or R&D department and select the best materials, orientations and technology to achieve it. We currently have a maintenance contract to keep the printer up to date.

How would you define INTECH3D and its team? Is it easy to work together?

Nowadays, everything is well tied up since they are very clear with their actions, in addition to the fact that their team is very professional and the personal treatment is impeccable.

What are the main changes that 3D printing has brought to Rotecna?

The changes are very positive in terms of speed, flexibility and economy. Regarding our work in the R&D department, it has been a qualitative leap with many aspects. Before, we outsourced these services when we needed them, but we lost the comfort we currently have. In terms of speed, we can have a part in a very short time and at a negligible price.

Currently, what is or are the main projects covered by Rotecna? Is 3D printing present in each of them?

We are a team of engineers and product designers that covers a very wide range and, therefore, Rotecna is making great progress with future projects. The point where we use 3D printing is in the creation of plastic injection parts that then have to fit with other materials with total accuracy, therefore it provides us with security, comfort, speed when making molds or checking mechanisms, in addition to the economic savings it entails.

Could it be said that 3D printing has meant a before and after for Rotecna?

Our company already used this prototyping system before, a project that I personally took care of a few years before we met INTECH3D, but the maintenance was done for us by a company from Barcelona. Now, the fact of having contacted INTECH3D has favored us a lot, since we no longer need to make trips to the capital to solve problems and have a quick reaction to our needs; although INTECH3D currently also has a delegation in Barcelona and makes things even easier. See property management company for more information. One of our tasks in the department is product research and development, and this 3D printing technology provides us with all kinds of solutions when it comes to achieving what we set out to do.

What are the main benefits that INTECH3D has brought to Rotecna?

The main benefits have been: technical solution and support with our needs, spare parts and accessories, raw materials, advice and convenience, and up-to-date information on new products of interest.

What do you think INTECH3D brings you that another company could not?

Right now there are few companies that can offer these services and since INTECH3D provides us with what we need, we don't need to look for anything else.

What advice would you give to those people who hesitate to bet on 3D printing in their company? Would you recommend contacting INTECH3D?

Let them try it and, without a doubt, they will not be the same anymore. This technology will change the world… In fact, it is already changing it. And I would recommend, without a doubt, to work with the company INTECH3D, for experience, know-how and professionalism.

The INTECH3D 3D Consulting process

INTECH3D we are business advisers and consultants, in the field of the integration of additive production technologies in the value chains of companies. We take responsibility for the correct integration of the teams in the value chain of each company or business:

  • Advice during the choice of the right technology
  • Marketing of equipment, consumables and spare parts
  • Training for the use of the necessary Hardware and Software
  • Integrated equipment maintenance
  • Official technical service for all products marketed

The INTECH3D technical team has more than 6 years of experience in various 3D printing technologies. We have different technologies and manufacturing materials with 3D printing, to cover the different technological or business needs of each sector:

  • Conceptual prototypes
  • Functional prototypes
  • Final components
  • Workshop tools
  • Spare parts
  • Short and medium production series.

It is also very important that all the departments of the same company know all the possibilities and benefits that 3D printing can bring to their sector:

  • Risk reduction in manufacturing
  • Reduced manufacturing costs
  • Reduced manufacturing time
  • Validation with a prototype before making an investment in final manufacturing
  • Manufacture "on demand", without discarding material.
  • Reduction of the "Time to Market" of the final product
  • Manufacture of "Bridge" series to know its fit in the market
  • Possibility of making short production series
  • Elimination of time in the provision of Stock

If you want to apply 3D printing technology in your company or business, do not hesitate to contact us. We are at the service of companies for the immediate resolution of any doubt or query related to the use of the equipment.

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