




Additive Manufacturing

3D printing is a revolution in any company. In the case of INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS, this new technology has helped them reduce costs and time in tasks that were more complex. For this reason, we want to talk to you about all the advantages that 3D printing has in your case and that you know more applications about it.


INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS is a Barcelona company that works developing verifications for electronics. Other companies are in charge of designing, producing and assembling circuits until they reach them, who verify them to ensure that they work perfectly. Thus, they work in chain with other companies to ensure that the final result of the electronic circuits is perfect, using experts in each of the stages of the process.

3D printing to reduce production time and costs

“The integration of additive manufacturing in our facilities has provided us with multiple benefits, which have increased efficiency and productivity in our manufacturing process. First of all, we have saved costs when it comes to outsourcing components and also times, reducing the production time of each part from 3 weeks to about 12 hours. In addition, we no longer have limits when it comes to manufacturing our parts and they do not need to be manufactured or supervised by our operators. In conclusion, 3D printing has improved our results, even those that we didn't even expect."


The challenge: Produce short series without outsourcing its manufacturing

As we told you, this company works in the final part of the circuit production chain, in the verification step of these. To do this, he needed to create some specific pieces that he commissioned from other companies. In addition to the additional cost of outsourcing this service, the order could take between two or three weeks, which greatly slowed down the processes throughout the chain. If you are familiar with this way of working, you will know what we are talking about: production deadlines, transport...

The cost of hiring personnel solely to produce these parts in the company was not a solution either, so another alternative was sought. To understand the requirements, you will have to put yourself in their shoes and think mainly about getting an effective piece that works correctly, that is generated in a short time and that does not involve a large outlay of money. As you can already imagine, the solution was a 3D printer, which has allowed them to obtain great benefits for their current way of working.

The solution: 3D printer and adequate material to achieve the best production

The first characteristic that makes us value the 3D printer as the most suitable solution for your projects is its versatility. At INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS, before they had to design parts thinking about whether they could use a lathe or a milling machine, being limited by machinery issues. With 3D printers this does not happen, since they are versatile and can replicate parts exactly. So it doesn't matter what kind of technology was needed in the past: additive manufacturing equipment makes any 3D model. In fact, if you know a little about how they work, you will know that everything that can be created on the screen transfers to reality.

From INTECH3D we advise them in the process until they find the most suitable 3D printer for them. And currently, at INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS they are working with the UltiMaker S5 Material Station 3D printer, which allows a very constant production. With it, they use the PLA material and they are also considering working with new materials that are less abrasive and capable of mechanical resistance. This makes them embark on projects of innovation and constant improvement.

Project results: multiple benefits in applying the 3D printer in your business

As a main result, this company managed to eliminate the limitations in the design and creation of parts. On the other hand, they have also achieved important benefits such as reducing production costs, by not having to commission a service from third parties, where costs skyrocket. On the other hand, the advantage of these printers is that once the initial investment is made, there is only a cost of material, which is not excessive. Profitability in the medium term is guaranteed, since these are not excessively expensive devices compared to the cost of outsourcing.

The third factor that, without a doubt, becomes one of the great advantages of 3D printing for INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS, is the reduction of time. When this company used to order parts, you could wait for them for up to three weeks, a long period but quite normal in these cases. Now, your parts can be available in less than a day, about 12 hours, counting the time it takes to design and print them.

"INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS has managed to reduce the production time of each part from 3 weeks to about 12 hours."

Finally, and precisely in relation to temporary savings, it must be appreciated that 3D printers can work at all hours. One of the reasons for the delay in the processes is that they depend on people. However, these machines can work day and night, including weekends, without the need to be in person or supervise manufacturing. So, the profitability of the company can improve by covering more work by other companies.

If you are considering the possibility of using the machines also at night or on weekends, you have to know that it is not necessary for there to be operators working with them. Thus, you could consider them as another worker in your company, who can work tirelessly to carry out their mission.

In addition to all the advantages that we have already told you about and that helped to solve the initial challenge, allowing the company to further improve its results and its profitability, with the option of increasing its production, some positive issues were also seen with a view to the future. .

“More unexpected benefits and constant innovation thanks to 3D printing”

And this is the last thing we would like to emphasize in this article: 3D printing is an innovation on its own, but it can bring more innovation with it. The inclusion of new technologies opens up new possibilities for companies that, when properly analyzed, allow them to start new work routes. Thus, constant improvement is another of the keys to knowing how to improve day by day and proof that betting on innovation can bring significant benefits in the near future.

In short, as you already know, 3D printing is a good alternative for many companies that previously had to spend time and money waiting for parts made by third parties. In this case, INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEMS is another of our success stories in 3D printing in the electronics sector.

The INTECH3D 3D Consulting process

INTECH3D we are business advisers and consultants, in the field of the integration of additive production technologies in the value chains of companies. We take responsibility for the correct integration of the teams in the value chain of each company or business:

  • Advice during the choice of the right technology
  • Marketing of equipment, consumables and spare parts
  • Training for the use of the necessary Hardware and Software
  • Integrated equipment maintenance
  • Official technical service for all products marketed

The INTECH3D technical team has more than 6 years of experience in various 3D printing technologies. We have different technologies and manufacturing materials with 3D printing, to cover the different technological or business needs of each sector:

  • Conceptual prototypes
  • Functional prototypes
  • Final components
  • Workshop tools
  • Spare parts
  • Short and medium production series.

It is also very important that all the departments of the same company know all the possibilities and benefits that 3D printing can bring to their sector:

  • Risk reduction in manufacturing
  • Reduced manufacturing costs
  • Reduced manufacturing time
  • Validation with a prototype before making an investment in final manufacturing
  • Manufacture "on demand", without discarding material.
  • Reduction of the "Time to Market" of the final product
  • Manufacture of "Bridge" series to know its fit in the market
  • Possibility of making short production series
  • Elimination of time in the provision of Stock

If you want to apply 3D printing technology in your company or business, do not hesitate to contact us. We are at the service of companies for the immediate resolution of any doubt or query related to the use of the equipment.

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Do you need more information about any of our solutions or would you like us to advise you on how to integrate 4.0 technology in your company?